Policies J-Students
J Students
The following files are PDFs unless otherwise noted:
Student Policies Goals and Objectives JA/JAA
Equal Educational Opportunity JB, JB-AR
- Sexual Harassment JBA/GBN, JBA/GBN-AR1, JBA\GBN-AR2
- Section 504-Students JBAA, JBAA-AR
- Educational Equity JBB
Attendance JE
- Compulsory Attendance JEA, JEA-AR
- Early Entrance JEBA, JEBA-AR(1)
- Admissions JEC
- Admission of Resident Students JECA
- Admission of Part-Time Private School Students JECAA
- Staff/Student/Parent Relations JECAC/GBH
- Admission of Nonresident Students JECB, JECB-AR(1), JECB-AR(2)
- Admission of Exchange Students JECBA, JECBA-AR
- Homeless Students JECBD, JECBD-AR
- Assignment of Students to Schools JECC
- Transcript Evaluations JECDA, JECDA-AR
- Student Withdrawal from School JECE
- Interdistrict Transfer of Resident Students JECF, JECF-AR, JECF-AR(1)
- Student Absences and Excuses JED
- Truancy JEDA
- Student Dismissal Precautions JEDB
- Student Attendance Accounting JEE
- Released Time for Students JEF
- Open/Closed Campus JEFA
- Released Time for Religious Instruction JEFB
Student Rights and Responsibilities JF/JFA
- Student Involvement in Decision-Making JFB
- Student Government JFBA
- Student Conduct JFC
- Student Dress and Grooming JFCA
- School Uniforms JFCAA, JFCAA-AR
- Care of District Property by students JFCB
- Student Conduct on School Buses JFCC/EEACC
- Secret Societies JFCE
- Secret Societies - Gangs JFCEA, JFCEA-AR
- Personal Communications Devices JFCEB, JFCEB-AR
- Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying, Menacing, Cyberbullying/Teen Dating Violence Reporting Procedures- Student JFCF, JFCF-AR
- Use of Tobacco, Alcohol or Drugs JFCG-AR, JFCG/JFCH/JFCI
- Extra-Curricular Participant Drug Testing JFCIA, JFCIA-AR
- Weapons in the School JFCJ
- Elimination of Drugs and Alcohol on School Premises JFCK
- Laser Pens JFCL
- Threats of Violence JFCM
- Students of Legal Age JFD,
- Pregnant and Parenting Students JFE, JFE-AR
- Married Students JFF
- Student searches JFG, JFG-AR
- Student Complaints JFH
- Student Demonstrations and Petitions JFI
Student Discipline JG
- Corporal Punishment JGA
- Use of Restraint and Seculsion JGAB, JGAB-AR
- Detention of Students JGB
- Suspension JGD
- Discipline and Disabled Students JGDA/JGEA, JGDA/JGEA-AR
- Expulsion JGE
- Alternative Educational Programs JGEA
Student Welfare JH
- Student Health Services and Requirements JHC
- Physical Examinations JHCA/JHCB
- Communicable Diseases-Students JHCC, JHCC-AR
- Students- HIV and HBV JHCCA
- HBV/Bloodborne Pathongens JHCCBA/EBBAB/GBEBAA
- Infection Control - HIV, AIDS, HBV JHCCC/EBBAA/GBEBC
- Staff/Students - Rumor Control - HIV, AIDS and HBV JHCCD/GBEBD
- Pediculosis (Head Lice) JHCCF, JHCCF-AR
- Psychological Testing of Students JHDA
- Student Safety JHF
- Supervision of Students JHFA
- Student Safety Patrol JHFB
- Student Bicycle Use JHFC
- Student Skateboard/Rollerblade/Rollerskate Use JHFCA
- Student Automobile Use JHFD
- Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements JHFE/GBNAB, JHFE/GBNAB-AR(1), JHFE-AR(2), JHFE/GBNAB-AR(3)
- Suspected Sexual Conduct With Students and Reporting Requirements JHFF/GBNAA, JHFF/GBNAA-AR
- Student Suicide Prevention JHH
- Crisis Prevention and Response JHHA, JHHA-AR
Student Awards and Scholarships JI
- Student Recognition Program JIA
Employment of Students JK
Student Gifts and Solicitations JL
Staff - Student Relations JM
Student Fees, Fines and Charges JN
- Athletic Participation Fees JNA